
Friday, May 15, 2009

The Pope, the Mideast and Prophecy

Pope Benedict is in the Middle East. He's visiting Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian West Bank. Why would the Pope take an official tour of one the most troubled areas in the world? The Middle East holds significant religious sites fought over for thousands of years by all the major monotheistic religions—the Jews, Muslims and Christians. He called himself a "pilgrim of peace" and said, "We are not a political power but a spiritual power that can contribute."

I find his statement interesting because Jerusalem will become a vortex that will pull the entire world into such turmoil that two powerful and charismatic leaders will go to Jerusalem and establish a government to bring a temporary "peace." Scripture places the anti-Christ and the beast power there together in the end-time.

"At the time of the end, the king of the south will attack the kingdom of the north. But its king will rush out like a storm with war chariots, cavalry, and many ships. Indeed, his forces will flood one country after another, and when they reach the holy land, tens of thousands will be killed" (Daniel 11:40-41 CEV).

Notice what the Book of Revelation adds about the end-time religious leader: "And it used all its authority to force the earth and its people to worship that beast. It worked mighty miracles, and while people watched, it even made fire come down from the sky. This second beast fooled people on earth by working miracles for the first one…" (Revelation 13:13-14 CEV).

What does this mean to you and me? The Bible says that we are to remain pure and not worship the Beast or participate in their religious and political activities. You should have a good understanding of the world around you and pay close attention to Bible admonitions and end-time conditions. Many will be fooled. Only one leader will be established in Jerusalem to bring true peace—that will be Jesus Christ. Be watchful and spiritually prepared.

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