
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Keep on praying

“Keep on praying.” It is easy to ask God for something and then, if we don’t see our prayer answered right away, we give up. This is not right! The Bible encourages us to persevere in prayer. This means to keep on praying and not to give up.

Jesus taught us the story of a judge and a woman who kept coming before the judge. He said that the judge would give the widow what she was asking for because she kept coming to the judge.

The Bible says “Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” We should always seek to pray according to God’s will; ask God to show you what He wants for your life so you are doing God’s will and not just your own. Then you can pray to God as His child and ask Him in Jesus’ name to carry out His will and His purposes in your life.

But ask in faith and keep on believing. Don’t give up just because you don’t see your prayers answered right away. I prayed for someone for many years to turn their life over to God. It took years, but God answered my prayer and that person is serving God today. So don’t give up!

So this week, let us pray that

  • God would help us to have faith and keep believing Him for His will to be accomplished
  • God would fill our staff at Global Media Outreach with His Holy Spirit each and every day
  • God would provide more Spanish speaking volunteers for us to answer emails in Spanish

THANK YOU so much for your prayers! God hears and answers believing prayer. Some day in heaven you may get to see all the ways that God moved in response to your prayers. You are a key part of the Global Media Outreach team as we seek to reach the world for Jesus Christ!

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

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