
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Three-Hearted Nations

What has not dawned upon North America or Scandinavia is that they and every nation need a totally new—third heart! Radical, spiritual heart transplant surgery is the only solution for truly sound-hearted nations.

America, Norway and who knows how many other nations have heart problems—they each have two hearts!

These two hearts wrestle with each other to decide which will provide the dominant beat and rhythm of the nation's life.

In the September 2009 elections in Norway a national government was reelected for the first time in 16 years. The left-leaning, red-green coalition of Prime Minister Jen Stoltenburg came out the winners. Many considered to be historic this liberal vs. conservative political battle over which would be the dominant national heart.

The tabloid Aftenbladet in next-door Sweden described the outcome, "The big loser is in the political centre. The dominant position of the Progress Party on the right of Norwegian politics is becoming more marked. The future of the reputable conservative forces in Norway looks very grim."

America's liberal vs. conservative political battle also reached new heights in September. The now-famous, grassroots conservative "tea party" generated an unprecedented, historically enormous march on the Capital in Washington DC on of "9-12" (commemorating the day after the anniversary of the terrorist attack of 9-11, 2001).

Although the bulk of the left-leaning American, mainstream media tried to downplay or ignore the conservative march, the London Telegraph estimated that close to two million American citizens peacefully proclaimed their support for the conservative values that have historically dominated the American heartbeat.

The "tea partiers" denounced the liberal secularism and governmental intrusion into the personal freedoms that was elevated to power in last fall's elections.

In fact, the on-going, sharp rhetoric and small margins of victory in the last three US presidential elections provide key evidence of the dynamic battle between these two national hearts.

Politics, schmolitics! Jesus Christ would tell you that neither the liberal nor the conservative heart is healthy—that neither knows how to solve the world's problems. In contrast He said, "My Kingdom is NOT of this world."

What has not dawned upon North America or Scandinavia is that they and every nation need a totally new—third heart! Radical, spiritual heart transplant surgery is the only solution for truly sound-hearted nations.

The good news is that even before the nations get their new third heart, you can learn how to obtain your personal, spiritual heart transplant from the pages of your Bible.

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