
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Steve McNair's Undoing

God warns us about letting our desires deceive us.

He was awarded the Walter Payton award in the collegiate ranks. He was an outstanding National Football League quarterback and the heart and soul of the Tennessee Titans. He was active in charity events for his community. And his life ended all too soon at age 36.

Steve McNair was found dead in his leased apartment along with Sahel Kazemi, a young woman twenty years old. What is so shocking is McNair has a wife and family. Despite all of his good deeds as a wonderful athlete, teammate, competitor and football hero, what was he doing with a twenty-year old woman in his apartment? It is reported that he had been dating her for months and she was his girlfriend.

What a tragic end to a magnificent football career and life. And, what a shock to his wife and family to have to grieve the loss of a husband and father whose last act in his life was to be unfaithful to his wife and family.

One internet writer said, "Most of us had one perception of McNair. He was the football warrior who led with brilliant dignity and possessed a threshold for pain that 99 percent of human beings just don't have.
But in the wake of his tragic murder in a downtown Nashville, Tennesse, condo, police there are unraveling a different McNair, one who has left his fans to ponder how well they really knew him.

McNair, a married father of four, was found shot twice in the head and twice in the chest on the 4th of July. Lying dead at McNair's feet was a 20-year-old woman police say he had been dating for several months."

God warns us about letting our desires deceive us. In the Proverbs it is written "For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell." (Proverbs 5:3-5)

How sad that such a great player and person should have such an end to his life. Now his wife and family are left with so many unanswered questions and undeserved sadness.

If only Steve McNair had heeded the warning of the Scriptures, he would still be alive; and his family would be spared the terrible consequences and pain to bring closure to their lives. We at GN Magazine offer our condolences to McNair's grieving family and to relatives of Kazemi, the twenty-year-old woman.

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