
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Key to Refresh your Relationship with God

“And He said: ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven’” (Matthew 18:3)

Key to a Good Relationship My aunt recently told me the most important quality in a marriage partner: “Amy, look for someone who is teachable, who doesn’t think they know everything.” This surprised me, but then I remembered the words of Jesus: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” What is it that kids have that is so important?

Untainted by Doubt and Pride Kids just believe. They haven’t yet set up boundaries in their mind about what is or isn’t possible; what they will or won’t do because they’re “too mature.” When Jesus told His disciples (who were young men),“Follow Me,” they didn’t first ask, “Well where are we going?” —they just went. This childlike humility is exactly what Jesus loves and is the key to getting into God’s kingdom.

Older, but Not Necessarily Wiser… When I first became a Christian, everything was so new and exciting to me. I knew that I didn’t know much, and so I sought out trusted teachers, devoured the Bible, and was so hungry to hear and talk to God. But as I began to get “older” in my faith, I began to think I knew it all and got prideful. This hindered my growth greatly and cut off what once was my fresh, new relationship with God. Now I want to become like I once was: trusting and believing.

Become a Kid Again Remember as a kid, how you would play on your hands and knees all them time? Now imagine Jesus’ kingdom had an entry gate that was just a little shorter than you, and you have to kneel to get in. The adult in you says, “I don’t get on my hands and knees!” But that childlike faith is all that God asks of us. The Bible says, “’Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.’ He was even called the friend of God” (James 2:23).

It just starts with believing. To start the process, just pray from your heart, “God, I want to believe You whole-heartedly, like a trusting child. I am sorry for doubting You. Please help me follow You anywhere.” I am in this with you! Let’s walk through this together this week on GodLife Facebook!

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