
Monday, March 30, 2009

Jesus Christ is God's Son

Jesus Christ is God’s Son. As we look at preparing for Easter this year, let us realize how wonderful it is that God’s Son came to die for us.

How can one man take on the sins of the whole world? An ordinary man could not do this — but Jesus is not just a man. He came to earth 2,000 years ago and was born of a virgin whose name was Mary. Jesus’ father is God. Jesus Himself existed with God from the beginning of time. “He was in very nature God.”

What is wonderful and amazing is that Jesus, the sinless son of God, came to earth and took punishment that He did not deserve. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved.” Everyone on earth has sinned; God has laid on Christ the punishment for the sins of us all.

What we have to do is accept Jesus Christ as our savior; agree with God that we have sinned; and thank God that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. Without that, we are deserving of eternal death and punishment and separation from God. When we accept Jesus Christ, we are given the gift of eternal life — and forgiveness for all our sins! What a wonderful gift! How great is the love of God!

So this week, let us thank God

  • For sending His own Son Jesus to be our Savior
  • For allowing His Son to be crucified to pay the penalty for our sins
  • For His great love for us

God is so wonderful — He is willing to not hold our sins against us, but He wants us to be His sons and daughters. Let us live our lives in thankfulness to God.

THANK YOU so much for your prayers.

May God bless you,

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Easter is the time of year when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

The next three weeks, let’s focus on Easter. Easter is the time of year when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ came to this earth over 2,000 years ago. He was the Son of God, yet He came as a poor person. He did not sin, but He came to die for us all. He commanded no armies, but He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He came to die on a cross to take away the sins of the world. He told His disciples He was going to die. But where most of us do not want to die, and will fight to prevent it, Jesus went to the cross willingly for us. He who knew no sin became sin for us, so that we could be forgiven and become children of God.

When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming, he said “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” Do you have sin? Of course you do; we all have sinned. To sin is to do or think something that is against God’s will. We all have been selfish, or have stolen, or have been prideful, or have committed other sins. But when Jesus came, He paid the penalty that we all deserve for our sins. All we need to do is to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

So this week, let us pray that

  • God will help us to realize how wonderful is our salvation in Jesus Christ
  • Each of us would walk in newness of life — forgiven in Jesus!
  • God would help our staff at Global Media Outreach have peace and joy and victory in Jesus Christ

How great is the love of God! God could just have judged the whole world, and we would all have been lost. Instead, He sent His own Son so that we could be saved. Let us share the love of Jesus with the whole world!

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. There is great spiritual power in believing prayer.

May God bless you,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sharing your faith

Each week we are looking at one of the 6 Keys to Christian Growth. This week we are looking at Key 6: Sharing your faith.

If you are a Christian, what is the best thing that has happened to you? It is receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior and being given the gift of eternal life. What is the best thing you could do for someone else? It is to help them to know Jesus Christ.

How can you do this? There are 3 simple steps: Pray, Prepare, and Go. First, you can pray for those around you who do not know Jesus Christ. Pray that God will draw them to Himself and they will see the light of Christ. Second, prepare; be ready to tell them about Jesus. You can tell them how Christ has changed your life, and that He died for their sins and they can receive Him. Third, go. Go and tell people about Jesus. Be sensitive to who may be open to God. You can also send them an evangelistic email that will share Christ with them. It is not so important that you say things perfectly; you won’t. But pray that God will use what you say to bring people around you to Jesus Christ.

So this week, let us pray that

  • God will save your friends and family and loved ones and those around you.
  • God will help our staff team here at Global Media Outreach to be filled with His Spirit and joy
  • God will help us see millions of people this year pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior

THANK YOU so much for your prayers.

May God bless you,

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The church is the "body of Christ"

Each week we are looking at one of the 6 Keys to Christian Growth. This week is Key 5 — the church.

The church is the “body of Christ.” All of us who have truly accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord are part of Christ’s body here on earth. We are a community of Christians — the “family of God.”

Who is in this community? It is people all over the world — people from every country — men and women, old and young. As part of God’s family when we have accepted Christ, we are brothers and sisters together.

It is extremely important for your growth as a Christian that you meet regularly with other Christians. If you have a good Christian church near you, you should try to go each week. You can learn from the teaching; meet other Christians who can encourage you; pray with others; and worship God together. If there is no church you can attend, often there may be a small group of Christians who you can meet together with. You can also connect with other Christians online. At Global Media Outreach we have thousands of volunteers who are strong Christians who you can email with and who can pray with you and answer your questions online. We encourage you to spend time with other Christians as much as possible. God can also use you to be a blessing to others.

So this week, let us pray that

  • God will help you be connected with a good church if possible
  • God will fill our staff at Global Media Outreach with His Holy Spirit each and every day
  • God will help all who become Christians through this ministry to get connected to church where they can grow in their faith

Church is important. I will pray that God will help you find a good group of Christians who can support you and help you grow in your Christian life.

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. We are brothers and sisters together in Jesus Christ. Someday we may meet in heaven; for right now we can worship God in our separate locations all around the earth.

May God bless you,